
51.559597, -0.159602 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)

One may think that the institution this place is named after is located exactly there (especially given that this institution is world-renowned, and has even changed the meaning of the word by which it is called), but no, it is actually located in another part of London. A small consolation can be found in the fact that this institution can be seen from this place, and it’s not going to change.
Find this place. A metal information stand close to the centre of this place.
A year under the picture of the tree on the information stand

Detailed answer

The checkpoint was located at the summit of the Parliament Hill. The view from there at the Houses of Parliament are protected, so no new building can be erected which obscures this view and the view will still be there in the years to come.

Answer: 1897


Present in routes of categories Sphinx

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