Результаты признаны окончательными.


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Место Номер команды Название команды Старт Взято КП
1U402 По тверьзищу Проз 08:04 33


Все КП взяты.
1U415 Oredezh Hause 08:30 33

Полина Стоголева

Ленинградская область

Любовь Торопова


Все КП взяты.
1U431 Legilimens 09:02 33


Все КП взяты.
1U439 Пенелопа Гну 09:18 33

Светлана Лебедева


Сергей Нечипоренко


Все КП взяты.
1U467 MZHNK 10:14 33

Миша Редькин


Мария Редькина


Антон Петров


Александра Петрова


Все КП взяты.
6U404 Space kittens 08:08 32

Елизавета Балаханова


Невзятые КП

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

6U429 Бегущий по поребрику 08:58 32

Вероника Коняева


Юлия А


Инна Авдонина


Софья Адливанкина


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

6U434 Cat & Co 09:08 32

Виктория Скольская


Михаил Скольский


Невзятые КП

6U455 Случайный блуждатель 09:50 32

Людмила Баварова

Московская область

Невзятые КП

  • 544 Правильный ответ: 3


    Composition of a highly efficient unit which the planet met in 2005: - private; - weapons specialist with an explosive nature; - melancholic genius; - leader. The name of the leader will help you guess the garden. Playground in the north-eastern part of the garden. Flowerbed in the middle of the playground

    Number of large rocks on the flowerbed

6U461 Тыдыщ! 10:02 32


Невзятые КП

6U464 Киты коты 10:08 32

Аня Волкова


Катерина Безмен


Юрий Брылев


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

6U477 Здесь могла быть ваша реклама 10:34 32

Gregory Malevanniy


Сергей Голиков

Московская область

Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

6U478 Один мах 10:36 32

Анастасия Ельцова


Владимир Петров


Невзятые КП

14U445 #Летовсегда 09:30 31


Невзятые КП

14U447 Грязные псы 09:34 31

Олеся Адамская


Валерия Рябкова


Валерия Рябкова


Невзятые КП

14U469 2x2 10:18 31

Сергей Алексеев

Московская область

Виктория Макеева


Анатолий Рогов

Московская область

Татьяна Рогова

Московская область

Невзятые КП

  • 512 Правильный ответ: 29

    15/1, nab. Leytenanta Shmidta

    Memorial plaque dedicated to Leonhard Euler

    The difference between the sum of digits and the number of letters “e”

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

14U495 Эльки 11:10 31

Марина Бокова


Елена Любич


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

18U430 Старпёжка 09:00 30

Aleksandra Ustimova


Полина Васильева

Московская область

Alexander Korotaev


Невзятые КП

18U453 Изи-пизи 09:46 30

Эмилия Антюхина


Елена Хмелевская


Невзятые КП

18U460 Алюминид Никеля 10:00 30


Невзятые КП

18U462 400 капель валерьянки 10:04 30

Эльвина Аскарова


Невзятые КП

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

  • 523 Правильный ответ: 3

    5/15, 4th liniya V.O.

    Gateway closest to house No. 7

    Number of lights

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

18U497 Детективный Шабаш 11:14 30

Ольга Горяйнова


Мария Карасева


Мария Карева


Инесса Носова


Невзятые КП

23U438 Ежиные лапки. 09:16 29

Ангелина Фарафонова


Невзятые КП

  • 502 Правильный ответ: 404

    24/25, Kosaya liniya

    Windows of the musical instruments shop. Metal door next to one of the windows. Small plaque with a number on the door


  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 525 Правильный ответ: ДОКЕМБРИЯ


    That year in Moscow, there were many emblems consisting of five figures of the same shape, but different colours. In Leningrad, there were also several of these, but in one place the symbol of the city (the one on the needle) was used as each of these five figures. The closest house No. 2 to the west of this place. Entrance to the building is to the right of the address sign. Sign to the left of the entrance

    Second line from the bottom

  • 535 Правильный ответ: 1


    — *****’s method. — Yes. — That’s ancient. — But it works. It works numerically. This movie dialogue, while not being quite historically accurate, takes place somewhen between May 1961 and February 1962. Object named after a person whose last name we have hidden.

    Number of lampposts

23U485 Lucky strangers 10:50 29

Екатерина Иванова


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 531 Правильный ответ: 15

    47/34, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Bay window completely facing 11th liniya

    Number of windows

  • 535 Правильный ответ: 1


    — *****’s method. — Yes. — That’s ancient. — But it works. It works numerically. This movie dialogue, while not being quite historically accurate, takes place somewhen between May 1961 and February 1962. Object named after a person whose last name we have hidden.

    Number of lampposts

  • 541 Правильный ответ: 2020

    87, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Public Garden in front of the building. Poster on the fence

    Latest year mentioned on the poster

23U490 Кузя и его крошки 11:00 29

Анна Иванова


Александра Иванова


Дмитрий Кузнецов


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

  • 542 Правильный ответ: ботинок

    69, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Porch in the courtyard. Painted door

    What do flowers grow in?

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

26U400 homo homini lupus est 08:00 28

Светлана Петрова


Светлана Козлова


Невзятые КП

27U436 Оса и Компания 09:12 27

Ольга Егорова


Александр Егоров


Константин Егоров


Анастасия Егорова


Невзятые КП

28U437 Амариэ 09:14 26

Александра Миронова


Невзятые КП

  • 511 Правильный ответ: 5

    18, 9th liniya V.O.

    Façade facing the street

    Number of faces

  • 515 Правильный ответ: photo


    Somewhere the sky is blue, and the sea is green. And there she is, probably under the waves, with four happy men. Find her Soviet colleague on the waves. Sadly, she doesn't share the same colour.

    Take a selfie of the whole team against its background so that its name is visible

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 533 Правильный ответ: 3

    41, 6th liniya V.O.

    Number of faces in the lower part of the bay windows

  • 541 Правильный ответ: 2020

    87, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Public Garden in front of the building. Poster on the fence

    Latest year mentioned on the poster

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

28U441 Голландец 09:22 26

Егор Сыстеров

Московская область

Невзятые КП

  • 511 Правильный ответ: 5

    18, 9th liniya V.O.

    Façade facing the street

    Number of faces

  • 515 Правильный ответ: photo


    Somewhere the sky is blue, and the sea is green. And there she is, probably under the waves, with four happy men. Find her Soviet colleague on the waves. Sadly, she doesn't share the same colour.

    Take a selfie of the whole team against its background so that its name is visible

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 533 Правильный ответ: 3

    41, 6th liniya V.O.

    Number of faces in the lower part of the bay windows

  • 541 Правильный ответ: 2020

    87, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Public Garden in front of the building. Poster on the fence

    Latest year mentioned on the poster

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

30U444 Каникулы Бонифация 09:28 24

Екатерина Белкина


Денис Григоренко


Марина Гурбатова


Ирина Артемова


Невзятые КП

  • 501 Правильный ответ: 21

    45, nab. Leytenanta Shmidta

    Water level sign overlooking 21st liniya

    Sum of digits

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 512 Правильный ответ: 29

    15/1, nab. Leytenanta Shmidta

    Memorial plaque dedicated to Leonhard Euler

    The difference between the sum of digits and the number of letters “e”

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 526 Правильный ответ: 11

    14/45, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Stairwell No. 2

    Maximum flat number according to the data of the sign above the entrance

  • 531 Правильный ответ: 15

    47/34, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Bay window completely facing 11th liniya

    Number of windows

  • 533 Правильный ответ: 3

    41, 6th liniya V.O.

    Number of faces in the lower part of the bay windows

  • 535 Правильный ответ: 1


    — *****’s method. — Yes. — That’s ancient. — But it works. It works numerically. This movie dialogue, while not being quite historically accurate, takes place somewhen between May 1961 and February 1962. Object named after a person whose last name we have hidden.

    Number of lampposts

30U452 Желтые пупырки 09:44 24

Алексей Лапенок


Мария Калина


Андрей Хайрнасов


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 522 Правильный ответ: 225

    3, Mendeleyevskaya liniya

    Section of the fence unidirectional with Tiflissky pereulok. Little pale yellow plaque

    Largest number

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 525 Правильный ответ: ДОКЕМБРИЯ


    That year in Moscow, there were many emblems consisting of five figures of the same shape, but different colours. In Leningrad, there were also several of these, but in one place the symbol of the city (the one on the needle) was used as each of these five figures. The closest house No. 2 to the west of this place. Entrance to the building is to the right of the address sign. Sign to the left of the entrance

    Second line from the bottom

  • 533 Правильный ответ: 3

    41, 6th liniya V.O.

    Number of faces in the lower part of the bay windows

  • 534 Правильный ответ: 2023


    See image. House No. 3. Graffiti on the firewall section above the garages


  • 544 Правильный ответ: 3


    Composition of a highly efficient unit which the planet met in 2005: - private; - weapons specialist with an explosive nature; - melancholic genius; - leader. The name of the leader will help you guess the garden. Playground in the north-eastern part of the garden. Flowerbed in the middle of the playground

    Number of large rocks on the flowerbed

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

  • 547 Правильный ответ: 5

    30, Kozhevennaya liniya

    Heritage protection plaque on the wall

    Number of eights

32U493 Лисичка 11:06 23


Невзятые КП

  • 503 Правильный ответ: 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023


    See image. House No. 15a in the location marked with the cross. Poster next to the fence near the intersection.

    All identifiable years on the poster

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 515 Правильный ответ: photo


    Somewhere the sky is blue, and the sea is green. And there she is, probably under the waves, with four happy men. Find her Soviet colleague on the waves. Sadly, she doesn't share the same colour.

    Take a selfie of the whole team against its background so that its name is visible

  • 522 Правильный ответ: 225

    3, Mendeleyevskaya liniya

    Section of the fence unidirectional with Tiflissky pereulok. Little pale yellow plaque

    Largest number

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 525 Правильный ответ: ДОКЕМБРИЯ


    That year in Moscow, there were many emblems consisting of five figures of the same shape, but different colours. In Leningrad, there were also several of these, but in one place the symbol of the city (the one on the needle) was used as each of these five figures. The closest house No. 2 to the west of this place. Entrance to the building is to the right of the address sign. Sign to the left of the entrance

    Second line from the bottom

  • 534 Правильный ответ: 2023


    See image. House No. 3. Graffiti on the firewall section above the garages


  • 545 Правильный ответ: вольт, год; V, year

    40, Kozhevennaya liniya Territory of Sevkabel Port

    DC generator in Sea Square / Morskaya ploshchad of the public space. Sign on the pedestal in front of the generator. Information in the Russian language

    Units of measurement given in the text

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

  • 547 Правильный ответ: 5

    30, Kozhevennaya liniya

    Heritage protection plaque on the wall

    Number of eights

33U451 Шляпа Гриффиндора 09:42 22


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 513 Правильный ответ: 7; 6

    9, 16th liniya V.O.

    Façade facing the street

    Number of downpipes

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 541 Правильный ответ: 2020

    87, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Public Garden in front of the building. Poster on the fence

    Latest year mentioned on the poster

  • 542 Правильный ответ: ботинок

    69, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Porch in the courtyard. Painted door

    What do flowers grow in?

  • 543 Правильный ответ: photo

    Vasileostrovets Garden

    Children’s playground with nesting dolls

    Selfie with nesting dolls

  • 544 Правильный ответ: 3


    Composition of a highly efficient unit which the planet met in 2005: - private; - weapons specialist with an explosive nature; - melancholic genius; - leader. The name of the leader will help you guess the garden. Playground in the north-eastern part of the garden. Flowerbed in the middle of the playground

    Number of large rocks on the flowerbed

  • 545 Правильный ответ: вольт, год; V, year

    40, Kozhevennaya liniya Territory of Sevkabel Port

    DC generator in Sea Square / Morskaya ploshchad of the public space. Sign on the pedestal in front of the generator. Information in the Russian language

    Units of measurement given in the text

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

  • 547 Правильный ответ: 5

    30, Kozhevennaya liniya

    Heritage protection plaque on the wall

    Number of eights

33U491 С основами борцы 11:02 22

Максим Прокошин


Юрий Шестернин

Ленинградская область

Елизавета Шестернина

Ленинградская область

Невзятые КП

  • 502 Правильный ответ: 404

    24/25, Kosaya liniya

    Windows of the musical instruments shop. Metal door next to one of the windows. Small plaque with a number on the door


  • 503 Правильный ответ: 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023


    See image. House No. 15a in the location marked with the cross. Poster next to the fence near the intersection.

    All identifiable years on the poster

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 535 Правильный ответ: 1


    — *****’s method. — Yes. — That’s ancient. — But it works. It works numerically. This movie dialogue, while not being quite historically accurate, takes place somewhen between May 1961 and February 1962. Object named after a person whose last name we have hidden.

    Number of lampposts

  • 541 Правильный ответ: 2020

    87, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Public Garden in front of the building. Poster on the fence

    Latest year mentioned on the poster

  • 542 Правильный ответ: ботинок

    69, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Porch in the courtyard. Painted door

    What do flowers grow in?

  • 543 Правильный ответ: photo

    Vasileostrovets Garden

    Children’s playground with nesting dolls

    Selfie with nesting dolls

  • 544 Правильный ответ: 3


    Composition of a highly efficient unit which the planet met in 2005: - private; - weapons specialist with an explosive nature; - melancholic genius; - leader. The name of the leader will help you guess the garden. Playground in the north-eastern part of the garden. Flowerbed in the middle of the playground

    Number of large rocks on the flowerbed

  • 545 Правильный ответ: вольт, год; V, year

    40, Kozhevennaya liniya Territory of Sevkabel Port

    DC generator in Sea Square / Morskaya ploshchad of the public space. Sign on the pedestal in front of the generator. Information in the Russian language

    Units of measurement given in the text

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

  • 547 Правильный ответ: 5

    30, Kozhevennaya liniya

    Heritage protection plaque on the wall

    Number of eights

33U494 Чучи 11:08 22

Юлия Артюхина


Алексей Виноградов


Владимир Тихомиров


Невзятые КП

  • 503 Правильный ответ: 2017, 2018, 2022, 2023


    See image. House No. 15a in the location marked with the cross. Poster next to the fence near the intersection.

    All identifiable years on the poster

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 515 Правильный ответ: photo


    Somewhere the sky is blue, and the sea is green. And there she is, probably under the waves, with four happy men. Find her Soviet colleague on the waves. Sadly, she doesn't share the same colour.

    Take a selfie of the whole team against its background so that its name is visible

  • 516 Правильный ответ: 7845


    See photo. The advantageous shape of the monument was copied, slightly modified, reoriented towards the North Star, and finally a useful object appeared. Find an object with the same functionality where digits give way to numbers, in the area in front of house No. 28. Information plaque

    Sum of the numbers on the plaque

  • 521 Правильный ответ: 52

    8, Bolshoy pr. V.O.

    Stairwell No. 1

    Number of the flat with the maximum sum of digits according to the signs by the entrance

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 533 Правильный ответ: 3

    41, 6th liniya V.O.

    Number of faces in the lower part of the bay windows

  • 534 Правильный ответ: 2023


    See image. House No. 3. Graffiti on the firewall section above the garages


  • 535 Правильный ответ: 1


    — *****’s method. — Yes. — That’s ancient. — But it works. It works numerically. This movie dialogue, while not being quite historically accurate, takes place somewhen between May 1961 and February 1962. Object named after a person whose last name we have hidden.

    Number of lampposts

  • 544 Правильный ответ: 3


    Composition of a highly efficient unit which the planet met in 2005: - private; - weapons specialist with an explosive nature; - melancholic genius; - leader. The name of the leader will help you guess the garden. Playground in the north-eastern part of the garden. Flowerbed in the middle of the playground

    Number of large rocks on the flowerbed

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

36U449 ArtScience 09:38 21

Валентина Савосина


Сергей Савосин


Невзятые КП

  • 504 Правильный ответ: Nadya


    Watch the video. Section of the wall overlooking house No. 3. Drawing under the door pediment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EjPWxKpMY

    Name (up to the dot) written in Latin in the upper left corner

  • 524 Правильный ответ: 12.00


    Between the first and the second one is the one that would have been more suitable for the Second by the time she turned fifteen. And the one that would have become more suitable for the Second later, is located opposite the first one. House No. 6 100 meters south of the one that is located between the first and second one. Sign with opening hours on the museum door

    Earliest time (in hh.mm format)

  • 525 Правильный ответ: ДОКЕМБРИЯ


    That year in Moscow, there were many emblems consisting of five figures of the same shape, but different colours. In Leningrad, there were also several of these, but in one place the symbol of the city (the one on the needle) was used as each of these five figures. The closest house No. 2 to the west of this place. Entrance to the building is to the right of the address sign. Sign to the left of the entrance

    Second line from the bottom

  • 534 Правильный ответ: 2023


    See image. House No. 3. Graffiti on the firewall section above the garages


  • 535 Правильный ответ: 1


    — *****’s method. — Yes. — That’s ancient. — But it works. It works numerically. This movie dialogue, while not being quite historically accurate, takes place somewhen between May 1961 and February 1962. Object named after a person whose last name we have hidden.

    Number of lampposts

  • 541 Правильный ответ: 2020

    87, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky Public Garden in front of the building. Poster on the fence

    Latest year mentioned on the poster

  • 542 Правильный ответ: ботинок

    69, Sredny pr. V.O.

    Porch in the courtyard. Painted door

    What do flowers grow in?

  • 543 Правильный ответ: photo

    Vasileostrovets Garden

    Children’s playground with nesting dolls

    Selfie with nesting dolls

  • 544 Правильный ответ: 3


    Composition of a highly efficient unit which the planet met in 2005: - private; - weapons specialist with an explosive nature; - melancholic genius; - leader. The name of the leader will help you guess the garden. Playground in the north-eastern part of the garden. Flowerbed in the middle of the playground

    Number of large rocks on the flowerbed

  • 545 Правильный ответ: вольт, год; V, year

    40, Kozhevennaya liniya Territory of Sevkabel Port

    DC generator in Sea Square / Morskaya ploshchad of the public space. Sign on the pedestal in front of the generator. Information in the Russian language

    Units of measurement given in the text

  • 546 Правильный ответ: 10


    A toy car operated with one’s feet. A thing that’s left when everything is burnt. Name both. And that is all you’ll need. To guess the street, as far as I’m concerned. House No. 6. Firewall overlooking the avenue closest to the house

    Number of window openings

  • 547 Правильный ответ: 5

    30, Kozhevennaya liniya

    Heritage protection plaque on the wall

    Number of eights

36U4121 No chicks 12:02 21

Илья Аксельрод


Николай Иванов


Александр Смолин


стас мана


Невзятые КП

38U4122 Kingfisher 12:04 16

Владислав Выборнов


Сергей Алексеев

Московская область

Надежда Елесина


Невзятые КП

Номер Название команды Старт
U433 Псмит 09:06

Любовь Наймарк


Екатерина Волохонская


U454 Улитка 09:48

Юлия Аксельрод


Аня Максимова


U463 Island 10:06

Любовь Русинова


Анна Чирина


U475 Черепашки ниндзя 10:30

Мария Аль-Ради


Екатерина Новоселова


Ольга Новосёлова


Мария Кантор


U481 С зайцами 10:42

Олеся Семенова


Вадим Семенов


Михаил Семенов


U489 Кудрявые и Ко 10:58

Лилия Иванова


Надежда Минчева


U492 Vagabonds 11:04

Олег Исаков


Ботвиник Павел


U4105 Без имени 11:30


Города дальнего зарубежья

U4135 Chaos theory 12:30

U4165 Charge Coupled Dudes 13:30

Ольга Савкина


Анастасия Ефимова


Ольга Матвиевская


Марина Прокофьева


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