15/1, nab. Leytenanta Shmidta  

59.935489966306, 30.281611862677 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)

Memorial plaque dedicated to Leonhard Euler
The difference between the sum of digits and the number of letters “e”

Историческая справка Рисунок к КП 512

In May 1727, a 20-year-old mathematician of Swiss origin Leonhard Euler, who later became one of the greatest mathematicians in history, came to the newly founded St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In his lifetime, he published more than 850 papers on mathematical analysis, combinatorics, graph theory, differential geometry, number theory, celestial mechanics, mathematical physics, optics, ballistics, shipbuilding, music theory, and more.
The great mathematician came to St. Petersburg in 1727 following the famous Bernoulli family. However, in 1740, after the death of Empress Anne of Russia, fearing instability, he decided to leave Russia. His resignation was accepted by the Academy in May 1741, and remaining an honorary member of the Academy with a salary of 200 rubles, the scientist went to the Berlin Academy of Sciences in Prussia.
Later, Euler returned to Russia when Catherine the Great ascended to the throne, who perfectly understood the magnitude of his genius. The Empress invited the scientist to work in St. Petersburg again, agreeing to all his conditions and promising to reorganise and patronize the Academy of Sciences. Catherine II also financed the purchasing of a house near the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, where Euler lived from 1766 to 1783. A memorial plaque was installed at 15, naberezhnaya Leytenanta Schmidta and since the 1920’s, there has been a school in the building.
In total, Euler lived in Russia for more than 30 years and was buried at the Smolensk Lutheran Cemetery/Smolenskoye kladbishche, from where he was transferred to the 18th-century Necropolis in the Aleksandr Nevsky Lavra. In 2007, to mark the 300th anniversary of the scientist, a bust was installed at 10, Pesochnaya naberezhnaya (where the Leonhard Euler International Mathematical Institute is located) and in August 2021, a garden square in the 10th liniya V.O. was named after the great mathematician.

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