uilding at the corner of Potemkinskaya ul. and Zakharyevskaya ul.  

59.947446, 30.367555 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)

Sculpture group on the pedestal.
Number of female figures

Историческая справка Рисунок к КП 321

According to a legend, this is the site of a famous assignation house. In the 1820’s the site was occupied by a small mansion with a garden. In the late 1840's it was replace by a two-storey wooden house on a stone foundation. 20 years later, the architect V. Lvov rebuilt it into a three-storey stone house with a wing in the courtyard. The current tenement building, once owned by K. Schreiber, was built by the architect V. van der Gucht in 1907. The house was built in the Neo-Baroque style, its interiors were also decorated according to the architect’s project. Its ceremonial enfilades appear in the Soviet film “Winter Cherry” and in the American version of “Eugene Onegin”.

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