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Анастасия Чо

Анастасия Чо

Personal information

City: Saint Petersburg

Upcoming competitions

Past events

Cats and their people

St.Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Tbilisi, Varna, the game was held on 2 March 2024

1127 «Жоповы и Чо»  

1 rank of 187 (played: 190) in a category «St.Petersburg»
CPs taken: 26 of 26.

Street heritage @ SPB

St.Petersburg, the game was held on 24 August 2019

1171 «Львиный прайд»  

1 rank of 203 (played: 227) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 25 of 25.

False 3

St.Petersburg, the game was held on 10 June 2018

170 «Волчары»  

161 rank of 222 (played: 246) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 20 of 23.