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1U415 another hehe 09:30 33

Dmitry Lamanov


Kseniia Raevskaia


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1U451 Crec'h Caradec 10:42 33


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  • 240 Правильный ответ: 5

    Jessfield Terrace

    The ceramic tile panel on the wall of the tower at the end of the street.

    The number of letters O

  • 335 Правильный ответ: 8


    In the 1860s, a boy was run over by a cart, and a heavy box fell on a foundry worker's foot. We know about these incidents because the creator of a new method was working in the city at the time. Find his house.

    The number of mentions of his last name

  • 338 Правильный ответ: 5


    Once, it worked for just a penny within a one-mile radius circle. Find the center of this circle.

    The number of faces on the coats of arms

3U400 Cupán Tae 09:00 32

Nia Makárova


Lorcan Looney


Невзятые КП

4U445 McBaagle 10:30 30

Анна Пан


Jordan Meggs


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5U448 The Lion, The Witch & The Unicorn 10:36 24

Elena Platonova


Jeremy Holzke


Ruslan Khasanbaev


Paul Limburn


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5U450 The lost locals 10:40 24

Anastasiia Zyrianova


Roman Yevtushenko


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  • 207 Правильный ответ: magic

    Makars' Court

    The inscription in the court that mentions the word “mirror”.

    The third word

  • 210 Правильный ответ: 31

    253 High Street

    The memorial with two pairs of handprints.

    The sum of the digits

  • 236 Правильный ответ: 9; 6

    29 Jamaica Mews

    The decorative area with garden gnomes.

    The number of creature figures (excluding the images on the boxes)

  • 239 Правильный ответ: 2

    Auchinleck Court

    The memorial plaque on the wall of the building. The sentence under the image of the ship.

    The number of letters E

  • 240 Правильный ответ: 5

    Jessfield Terrace

    The ceramic tile panel on the wall of the tower at the end of the street.

    The number of letters O

  • 242 Правильный ответ: Dunedin; Данидин

    11 Rennie's Isle

    The plaque on the pedestal with the stone near the house.

    The city the rock was brought from

  • 332 Правильный ответ: 7


    One renowned scientist mathematically predicted that a certain event would occur in about a hundred years, but ended up being wrong. You don't need his street, but rather the one hinted at by the predicted event. The court 50 meters west of the southern end of the street in question. The flower pot with a face.

    The number of butterflies

  • 334 Правильный ответ: 11


    In a way, this street is very modern: it seems to be named either after her or them, but in fact, it's named after him. 120 meters south of house number 114 on the street in question, you'll find a large memorial stone standing on several smaller stones.

    The number of letters W

  • 335 Правильный ответ: 8


    In the 1860s, a boy was run over by a cart, and a heavy box fell on a foundry worker's foot. We know about these incidents because the creator of a new method was working in the city at the time. Find his house.

    The number of mentions of his last name

  • 336 Правильный ответ: 21; 22


    At the end of the 18th century, a Scottish chemist bought fields near Glasgow to improve a long and expensive technological process. As a result, he invented a substance that significantly impacted the entire weaving industry. Find an object related to the weaving craft 20 meters east of the eastern part of the street with this substance in its name.

    The number of blades

  • 337 Правильный ответ: 18; 14


    See the old map. Find building 21 in the marked location. The historical mural. The car number plate on it.

    The sum of the digits

  • 338 Правильный ответ: 5


    Once, it worked for just a penny within a one-mile radius circle. Find the center of this circle.

    The number of faces on the coats of arms

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