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Татьяна Григорьева

Татьяна Григорьева

Personal information

City: Moscow

Upcoming competitions

Past events

Running City Online.

the game was held on 16 May 2020

1308 «ПБ»  

170 rank of 359 (played: 359) in a category «Quest»
CPs taken: 31 of 38.

PoBeGi — Kazan 2008

Kazan, the game was held on 28 June 2008

179 «ПБ»  

19 rank of 26 (played: 26) in a category «Transportation»
CPs taken: 22+2 of 23+2.

Running City Moscow 2008

Moscow, the game was held on 19 April 2008

8101 «Золотое Руно»  

Category «Griffin»

PoBeGi — Tver 2008

Tver, the game was held on 16 February 2008

377 «(ан)лакеры»  

42 rank of 44 (played: 46) in a category «Running»
CPs taken: 17+1 of 22+2.