
51.526655, -0.077816 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)

This capital city is located on a gulf shore on the east coast, separated by a channel from another continent. The climate is warm. Its inhabitants lead a luxurious lifestyle (those who can afford it, that is), but there are also slums. The city is overpopulated with estimated 500,000 inhabitants. Walking outside may be dangerous. When you have guessed the city, take out the last three letters from the name and find a small gable-roofed house 50 metres south of the beginning of that road. Façade of the house
House number according to the address plaque

Detailed answer

The riddle is about King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. It is required to find the beginning of Kingsland Road.

Answer: 118 ¹⁄₂

118 ¹⁄₂

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