
51.516877, -0.097499 (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Yandex Maps)

We can state the following:
• the first toponym is located in London, the second one is the other way around;
• the first toponym is within the second one;
• the first words in their names are antonyms which describe their attitude quite accurately, the last words are the same;
• the first toponym is named the same way as the BBC TV-show that was broadcast at the beginning of our century.
Find a park south of the first toponym. Wall with memorial plaques in the park. The fourth right plaque in the second row from the bottom. Attention! The park is open until 7:00 pm
Two words in the top right corner of the plaque

Detailed answer

The first toponym is Little Britain; the second is Great Britain, the island. Little Britain, the TV show, made fun of the national character of the Britons.

Answer: Pantomime artiste

Pantomime artiste

Present in routes of categories Lion-Pro

Passed by: 29/43 (67%).

By categories:

  • Lion-Pro: 29/43 (67%)