Do you want to find out what categories fill up faster? Satisfy your curiosity right now. This table lists free time slots available for activation. Also, if you click on the category name, you can find out how these time slots are allocated.

Angel Atlas Bronevik Light Bronevik Pro Centaur Chimera Light Chimera Pro Griffin Light Griffin Pro Horseman-Light Horseman-Middle Horseman-Pro Horseman-Xtra Lion & Unicorn Lion-Light Lion-Pro Lion-Xtra Sphinx-Light Sphinx-Middle Sphinx-Pro
800 12 11 2 2 28 30 30 9 6 20 7 8 10 6 3 No free time slots 1 2 3 3
900 14 25 1 7 21 30 30 12 16 10 9 13 11 3 1 1 No free time slots No free time slots 6 7
1000 16 2 11 30 18 15 9 24 17 15 21 13 5 3 1 No free time slots 1 6 17
1100 19 5 18 24 20 20 20 24 17 4 1 3 3 3
1200 29 18 30 6 2 1 3 10
1300 22 5 2 4 1
1400 2 3 1
1500 28 1 7